A Look at Setting Alarm Setpoints


This is a necessary step to either perform or bypass immediately after the sensor due dates have been modified (or bypassed themselves). So, the LCD screen of the GasAlertMicro 5 will display a phrase that reads “Gas alarms” followed by a choice of either setting them or skipping the procedure. If you wish to set the dates, you can press the blank push button. To skip this step, press the power button to be taken to the end of the calibration procedure. There are a couple of points to note here. Firstly, recall that setpoints can vary depending on your location. Make certain that you are entering in the correct thresholds. Secondly, you will need to refer to the “detection range” section of your manual, as alarms can be set to any applicable value within this range. Of course, these values will differ from gas to gas.




If you wish to disable the setpoint for any alarm, you can set the value simply to zero. If you enter in a new setpoint but you do not confirm the entry within five seconds by pressing the blank push button, the previous values will be retained. You will then be taken to the next setpoint for the relevant gas. You can also bypass any setpoint by pressing this same button. Finally, the setpoints will be modified in a certain order. This order will be TWA, STEL, low and high limits (recall that TWA and STEL values may not be applicable for some units).


For each of these metrics, the correct unit will be displayed in the order we have just seen. For instance, you will see the word “TWA” on the LCD display screen and directly underneath, you will see the current numerical setpoint reading. You can use your up and down arrows to adjust this level to the desired result. Once you have found the required reading, you will once again press the blank push button to confirm your entry. Then, you will be taken to the next set of values (in the first case, the next value will be the short-term exposure limit).


Other Setpoints


You may also wish to set the points for the different gas sensors. You can do this by following the very same steps that were previously described. Or, you can choose to bypass a certain gas and finish the calibration procedure. After all of the setpoints have been correctly saved, the detector will emit two beeps.


Finishing Calibration


After all of these processes have been completed, the unit will automatically save the changes. You will see this upon the LCD screen. There will also be a bar that will give you an estimate of how much time is remaining.


It is a good safety measure to immediately test the detector by using another gas cylinder than that which was used for calibration. You should apply the gas for the same amount of time that you did during the initial calibration to help guarantee correct readings. Please refer to this section in the owner's manual to become completely comfortable with the entire process.