Accessories and Replacement Parts for the GasAlertQuattro


Every now and then, the monitor will need a replacement part or two. The oxygen sensor, for example, will need to be replaced roughly every 2 years. Accessories are also available that could help in specific cases. You should ONLY use the replacement parts designed for the GasAlertQuattro. For detailed part numbers and descriptions, you may refer to the Replacement Parts table that begins on page 43 of your owner manual.


Sensors and Regulators


These are two of the most common pieces of the detector that may need to be replaced from time to time. The four sensors measure oxygen (SR-X10-C1), combustibles (LEL)(SR-W04-75C), carbon monoxide (PS-RM04) and hydrogen sulfide (SR-H04-SC). All of these sensors are sold separately. Sensor filters are also available in pairs or bulk-sized packs of ten. Recommended regulators for calibration/bump tests are the demand-flow regulator (used with the MicroDock II) and a manual, 0.5 Liter-per-Minute regulator.


Gas Cylinders and Kits


Some calibration cylinders are known as “quad gas”. This is the most common calibration cylinder used for the GasAlert Quattro because it can bump test and calibrate all of the sensors at the same time. It contains carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, oxygen, and methane.


Single gas cylinders, 3-gas cylinders, and dual gas cylinders are also available if you do not need to test all 4 standard gases.


You can save some money and time by purchasing a calibration kit. The kits include a regulator and tubing as well as the gas that you need. They come in two sizes: the 34-Liter which is best for a up to 5 monitors (CalKit34) and the 58-Liter which gives you more gas (CalKit58). The average shelf-life of a 4-gas mixture is roughly 15 months, so only buy what you need for calibrations and bump checks.

Chargers, Batteries, and the MicroDock II


Some users want to simplify the calibration/bump check process and keep a digital log of all tests. This is where the MicroDock II would come in handy. The MicroDock test station can charge your monitors as well as bump-check and calibrate them. This station keeps a log on a memory card that can be transferred to the computer for detailed calibration/bump-test information. The battery pack for the Quattro comes in alkaline and rechargeable versions. If you purchased an alkaline monitor, you can always upgrade to the rechargeable battery if you would like. Replacement chargers are also sold separately in case yours gets lost or broken.

Accessories and Other Parts

Some users like the extra protection offered by concussion-proof boots (GA-BQT) or prefer a holster to the standard alligator clip (GA-HQT). The concussion-proof boot really helps with detectors that are frequently dropped during the work day. The GasAlert Quattro is very rugged, but extra protection can help keep the screen and circuit boards safe. You can view a detailed list of accessories for the Quattro by looking at its page here. Other accessories include things like an LCD protector, auxiliary filters, screws, and more.